The band HAKAIDERS was formed in the summer of 1989. Izumi Kato (Drums) and H.K eichikei (Bass & Vocal) became the band's core. Hara (Guitar & Vocal) joined in the autumn of 1989 to play the leading role in creating the music. Initially, the band was four members, including another guitarist. Still, due to differences in direction, the band became three members in the fall of 1990. Atsuo (Drums & Vocal), who was shocked by HAKAIDERS 's live performance, volunteered to join the band in the spring of 1991. The band faded out after their last show in 1996, although they frequently performed in Tokyo from 1992 to 1994.
The original recording of "DEMO" was a cassette tape released by YU-WA Label in 1992. It was recorded and mixed by Atsuo. Less than 30 years have passed since then. Now HAKAIDERS 's music has been released to the world with a new mastering process by Soichiro Nakamura, well known for his work with Boris, Yura Yura Teikoku, Ogre You Asshole, Guitar Wolf, The Novembers, and many others.
Now Atsuo is in Boris, where he's doing more and more selfishly, following his desires. Their musicianship and style of activity, which is a series of most delightful betrayals, is undoubtedly unique in the current music scene.
Izumi Kato has become an artist who expresses mysterious and powerful life forms reminiscent of primitive art. He is currently an artist of the gallery Perrotin in France. He has been invited to the International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, held his first Japanese solo exhibition at the Red Brick Museum in Beijing in 2018, and is actively working in Japan and abroad. He also runs Potziland Records, from which "DEMO" is released. As the drummer of THE TETORAPOTZ, he has been active in museums and other places where art and music intersect.
ハカイダーズの結成は1989年夏。Izumi Kato(Drums)とH.K eichikei(Bass & Vocal)が中心となり、秋には楽曲制作の中心となるHara(Guitar & Vocal)が加入。当初はもうひとりのギター・ハカイダーを加えた4人編成だったそうですが、方向性の違いにより、1990年の秋からは3人で活動。しかし、そのハカイダーのライブに衝撃を受けたAtsuo(Drums & Vocal)が自ら志願し、1991年春に参加。その後1992年から1994年にかけて、東京でのライブ活動を頻繁に行ないながらも、1996年のライブを最後にフェードアウトしました。
今作『DEMO』のオリジナル音源は、1992年にYU-WA Labelからリリースされたカセットテープ。録音とミックスは、Atsuo自身が手掛けていました。そしてあれから30年弱が経ち、Borisはもちろんのこと、ゆらゆら帝国やOGRE YOU ASSHOLE、ギターウルフ、THE NOVEMBERSなどでお馴染みの中村宗一郎氏による新たなマスタリングによって、改めてハカイダーたちの音楽が世に放たれたのです。
現在AtsuoはBorisで、もっともっと自分勝手に欲求の赴くまま活動中。最高に嬉しい裏切りを連続する音楽性と活動形態は、間違いなく現在のシーンで唯一無比の存在。また、加藤泉は、原始美術を思わせるミステリアスで力強い生命体を表現するアート作家へ。現在はフランスのギャラリー《PERROTIN》に所属し、ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際美術展に招聘されたり、2018年には北京・レッドブリック美術館で日本人初となる個展を開催するなど、国内外で大活躍。更に今作『DEMO』のリリース元である《Potziland Records》を運営し、自らもTHE TETORAPOTZのドラマーとして、美術館などアートと音楽が交差する場で活躍をしています。
- "SATAN SATAN" in Studio 2021
- "BLACK BOOGIE MAN" in Studio 2021

Photo: Yusuke Sato